Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Second Opinion

So I set up an appointment to see another Dr. at a clinic in Sandy.  I go to meet with him and was very disgusted with how he responded to my case. He first tells me that I have had every test under the sun done (no kidding, I wasn't sure of that but thanks for clearing that up for me). He then proceeds to tell me that having the surgery is a very bad idea. He says it’s too life altering and that I am too young to have such a drastic surgery. When I ask him what he thinks would be the next step, he then proceeds to tell me that I should try acupuncture for at least a year to year and a half. Acupuncture? Are you kidding me? What a waste of money, gas, and time! The first thought that comes to my mind is didn't I come to see a Dr. of modern medicine? If I wanted an opinion about how to cure myself without modern medicine, I would have paid someone for that opinion. I am not ragging on acupuncture in anyway, I believe it does help certain people with certain conditions, but I was not willing to try anything else “natural”. I had been too sick for too long and was ready to be fixed. He then goes on to tell me that he is sure my life has been hard for the past few years and that he is sorry but there is nothing else that can be done in his medical opinion. He offered no hope or resolutions.

I decide that at this point I am going to go see a surgeon and get his opinion before I see Dr. Frech again so that we can make a decision about how to proceed. When I begin to look for a surgeon, I think that looking for a general surgeon will get me where I need. I immediately think of Dr. Rasmussen. However, I also learn that since my surgery is considered gastric bypass I need to find a surgeon who does this type of surgery. My insurance company informs me that there are 2 in Utah County and I am immediately comforted to learn that one of these is in fact Dr. Rasmussen (he did my other 2 surgeries). 

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