Monday, September 16, 2013

Colonoscopy…Round 2

I was given a bowel prep kit at the Docs office the week before. This time I take one called SuPrep. It is supposed to be cherry flavored. Little did I know the treat I was in for. This one is a lot smaller than the citrus flavored jug I received before.  The amount you are required to drink is a lot less. You take the 8 ounce clear liquid medicine and mix it with 8 ounces of cold water and drink the total 16 ounces of fluid in 15 minutes. You do this the night before your procedure and then the morning of. The night before wasn’t terrible. I got all of the liquid down and only gagged once or twice. The next morning…not so much. I got most of the liquid in and then threw most of it up. I was miserable and then had to make the hour drive to the hospital.

I checked into Intermountain Medical Center in Murray and the same usual prep stuff occurred. You fill out paperwork, they take your history, you get changed into a gown, and they start an IV. BP cuff goes on and they have your heart monitor stickers on before you are even taken into the procedure room. You are completely ready to go. I love Intermountain Medical Center’s process in their Endoscopy Department. Everything runs so smooth; their department runs like a well-oiled machine minus the repetitiveness not caring that you run into at other hospitals. Plus everyone that works there is knowledgeable and very kind. They seem like they genuinely care about the people that walk through their doors.

I only wait 15-20 minutes after I am ready to go. A tech comes to get me and we walk down the hall into the procedure room. You get on a gurney and the usual happens from here. I am becoming a pro at things that happen in the Endo Department. I am knocked out and again wake up in recovery.

Dr. Frech comes in and talks to my parents. He took some biopsies but found nothing else to explain the symptoms I am experiencing. Crap. I lose it at this point. I start crying like a little kid. My worst fear is that my new found Dr. will think I am crazy too. But he looks at me and I can tell in his eyes that this won’t be the case. He has such compassion in his eyes and I know that the choice to come and see him will be a good one.

He decides the next step will be to do a Small Bowel Follow Through and a Video Capsule Endoscopy. Sounds fun, right?

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