Monday, September 16, 2013

CT Scan

The next test is done 2 days later. They have to separate the 2 tests because you are not allowed to have the much radiation exposure so close together. So broken record, I am required to fast for 12 hours. I check into IMC Radiology in the morning. Little did I know that I was going to be required to drink something again (It makes me sick to think about drinking anything else). This time the contrast is already flavored with Crystal Light Lemonade. This is the easiest contrast I have ever drank (hooray)! I must drink the liquid at 8 ounce increments every 15 minutes for 1 ½ hours.

Once the liquid is gone, I am taken back and changed into a gown. An IV is inserted into my arm and I wait. Once they are ready, I am taken and laid down on the bed in the scan room. They do the first part of the CT scan which only takes a few minutes. For the second part, they inject the dye into the IV in my arm and then run the scan again. Once again, this part only takes a few minutes. The scanning part happens in a shorter amount of time than it did to drink all the contrast liquid.

All results for the CT scan come back normal. Not a single thing wrong. Oh boy is all I can think. I feel like crap all the time and they really can’t find anything wrong?
Contrast Dye you drink

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