Monday, September 16, 2013

Dr. Edward Frech

8/20/2012 I meet with Dr. Frech. It was a typical appointment. Fill out pages and pages of paperwork. Vitals taken. Meet with the Dr. and go over health history and discuss all the worst case scenarios based off of a 5 minute conversation. Dr. Frech seemed interested and ordered some tests. The first was of course lab work. The second (my worst nightmare) another colonoscopy.

Lab work is done the same day. Tubes and tubes of blood are taken. He is looking for markers of Celiac Disease and of course any other worse case scenarios. The blood work comes back mostly normal. The markers for Celiac Disease are negative. The only levels that come back abnormal are my inflammation markers as well as my platelet level and sed. rate. Dr. Frech decides that proceeding with the colonoscopy is the best game plan. He will be looking for microscopic colitis or some form of inflammatory bowel disease to explain the high markers in the lab work. Colonoscopy scheduled for a week later.

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