Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dr. Rasmussen 5 Week Follow Up

I see Dr. Rasmussen for my next follow up approximately 5 weeks since the second surgery. Things are overall going well. Here some of the positive from this visit:
  • ·         I have officially gained 5 pounds…only 15 more to go!! Yahoo!!
  • ·         I have “graduated” to 2 month follow up appointments instead of one month follow ups.
  • ·         I have no more physical restrictions or weight lifting restrictions; I am to just ease back into doing things again.
  • ·         I can go swimming and rides the rides at an amusement park now (Yes, the small things make me happy!)

We are now watching for the tube to either lose function or fall out. It’s not a matter of if but when. Dr. Rasmussen says that the tube will either clog and we won’t be able to unclog it, or completely fall out. If the tube completely falls out I am to shove it back into the hole to keep it open until they can get me into Radiology to have the tube replaced. This will have to happen in less than 24 hours because the hole will try and close itself off which can open up a whole new can of worms. When they replace the tube, this can just be done in Radiology. It will be a different tube that has a balloon on the end that will keep it in place inside the intestines and not require stitches like the current one I have. This hopefully will be easy when this happens.

Dr. Rasmussen seems really bummed that my pain is back (as am I). However, it is still tolerable on a day to day basis. Right now we are just going with the notion that it will stay this way and not get any worse. I can live with a little bit of pain every day.

At this point, I know that I will never function at 100% again at that’s something I have to learn to accept and learn how to best deal with it. Each day is a new day and brings its own challenges but I also try and learn new things about me every day. I learn my limitations very quickly and am just trying to learn and adjust to what my “new normal” will be.

My next appointment with Dr. Rasmussen will be in 2 ½ months. I see Dr. Frech in two weeks. 

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