Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dr. Frech Month Follow-Up

 I see Dr. Frech about a month after I had the first surgery. He had not heard from Dr. Rasmussen’s office about both surgeries so I tried my best to explain to him what happened and what was found/done. He was in shock that the simplest of all my procedures turned out to be more complex and required a second surgery. He was pleased that Dr. Rasmussen was able to find something mechanically wrong to explain my pain.

We will continue moving forward with trying to gain weight. At this appointment, my BMI is a 19. He wants my BMI to be a 24 which would require me gaining a lot more weight than we had previously had discussed. The plan is now to gain at least 20 pounds which would put my BMI at a 22 which he would be OK with. He is thinking that it will take at least 3-4 months to gain the weight. Once the weight has been gained, we will stop the tube feeds and see if I can maintain my weight for 1-2 months. If after the 1-2 months, my weight has stabilized, then he will give the OK to remove the tube. He doesn't want to prematurely pull the tube and then I start losing weight again. He says the tube that I have now should last about 3 months so hopefully I can gain the weight in 3 months and not have to worry about replacing the tube.

He wants to see me every 4-6 weeks and monitor my pain and weight. I am to continue taking all my vitamins and add the probiotic back in to the mix. I will see Dr. Frech again in the middle of June unless I have any other issues. 

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