I have the MRI done at IMC on a Monday morning. The whole
scan takes about 30 minutes. The tech informs me that the Dr.’s office will let
me know the results.
I wait for a few days and get another phone call from Dr.
Frech on Wednesday afternoon. I know personal phone calls from Dr.’s at this
point mean no good news but at the same time I feel some sort of relief that
maybe the scan showed something to explain my pain and that I wasn't turning
into a lortab junkie. I was right.
He informs me that the scan showed that my liver and biliary
ducts are all normal. There are no defects to be found, which officially rules
out the Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. He then tells me that where I had my
stomach removed (the duodenum part over by my liver) is distended (swelling). He says it is
behaving like a kinked hose and not allowing the bile to drain into my
intestines. He then proceeds to tell me that my colon is full of stool. A lot
of stool. This concerns him tremendously because of my previous bowel habits. He
says it isn't normal to go from having diarrhea every day to having a colon
full of stool and only having a bowel movement maybe once a week (sorry for
those who don’t care to know this). He said that all these factors explain my
pain. Vindication!
Options: He goes over a couple of things that we can do
right now. He first refills my pain medicine (thankfully). There are only 2
options at this point. The first being they can go in with a scope and try to
dilate the kink open. He doesn't think that this will work though because of
how complex my newly arranged anatomy is. Also, the scope may not be long enough to
get in there and actually do something. The second option is to have surgery
again. Dr. Rasmussen will have to go in and revise that area (not too sure on how
this will all work yet). Dr. Frech wants to first talk to Dr. R before
proceeding with any treatment first. He says since Dr. R was the one who did
the surgery, he should have a say in how it gets fixed. Unfortunately for me,
Dr. R is out of town for Spring Break so I have to wait until next week before
they talk and any decision can be made. Dr. Frech also doesn't want the feeding
tube pulled yet. If we proceed with surgery (which sounds like Dr. Frech is
leaning towards) the stomach feeding tube can be placed at the same time the
revision is done. He also completely takes me off welchol and adds MiraLax to
the mix.
I have an appointment with Dr. Rasmussen next week. I am
hoping that both Dr.’s will have talked by then and a decision can be made. I
want to proceed fairly rapidly at this point. I have a lot going on this summer
and I am SO over the sick phase!!
Get well soon! So nice to have vindication but it would be better to be cured!! Hang in there.