Sunday, April 6, 2014

I am Human

I have spent the last 10 months with most everyone around me knowing that I am sick. The tube coming out of my nose doesn't really help that situation. Some common responses include,
  • ·         “you are too young”
  • ·         “you are so brave”
  • ·          “you were given this trial because you are strong enough to deal with it”

The last statement for some reason has always stuck with me and as of late has started to really bother me. I don’t believe that God in Heaven is picking and choosing people who are going to be sick or have to battle sickness/illness in this life. I don’t believe that I am stronger or braver than the next person or that I am more suited or designed to deal with an illness.

I do believe in God and his ability to guide us through illness or whatever horrible situation some people find themselves in. I do believe that I am special but I also have only done what any other person would hopefully do in my situation. I have smiled through the pain and tears. I have scraped myself up off the floor and somehow each day, manages to put one foot in front of the other. I have found a way to keep moving but more importantly to keep living. These facts don’t make me special or stronger than anyone else, they make me human!

Life will find a way to knock each one of us down. For me, that is losing organs and continued pain and illness. But for others it may be something else or a combination of hardships. But we all keep going. You would keep living. And that’s what makes us all strong enough for whatever life decides to hand us.

Here are some quotes that have however helped me continue to move forward. 

This one always makes me laugh because it is so the truth!!

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