Saturday, January 4, 2014

Post-Op Progress One Month

I see Dr. Rasmussen a week after being discharged from the hospital. At this point, things seem to be going very well. I feel like I actually have some sort of energy and that I am not going to pass out every time I stand up. I am still on a liquid diet at this point and liquids go down just fine, which is a big improvement from the previous surgery.

We go over all the typical post-op questions and he seems pleased as well. He adds some medication called Protonix to help with the burning sensations I am having in my stomach. He also wants me to use a steroid cream for the rash since it looks worse. I get to move to Stage 3 of my new diet which includes soft protein foods. He also says that if I lose any more weight, he will put the feeding tube back in. I have lost 12 more pounds this time around. I am to see him again in 3 weeks.

I see Dr. Frech the following week to follow up with him as well. He is not happy about my weight loss and is not convinced the surgery will work. But he says I look good and we are being hopeful that all will continue to go well. He agrees with Dr. Rasmussen about the feeding tube as well. He wants me to take it easy with the foods and see him in a month to address my progress.

I spend the next weeks trying to advance my diet. I am to the point I can take all my vitamins now, which is also progress. However, the more time goes on, the more pain that starts to come back.

5 weeks post-op and I can only drink liquids without pain. Eating is very painful again but I try my best because I cannot afford to lose any more weight. I am officially 100 pounds lighter.

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