Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Let Go of What You Can't Change

I had my follow up with Dr. Frech about 2 weeks ago and needed to do an update on our visit. Things are still going good. I think at this point things won’t get any better than what they are now. I know that I will never be at 100% again and now it’s learning to live with life and re-learning to love the body that I have. I am trying to embrace it and move forward every day. Each day has its new challenges but this is my battle to fight and fight it I will!! Some days are bad, but there are more good days than bad.  I have been able to maintain my weight and I am at least grateful for that!

I am still having pain when I eat and am having major reflux problems only when I eat something. It is still taking a long time to digest anything I eat. Dr. Frech doesn’t think that the surgical connection has narrowed but he thinks that it could be the hiatal hernia again. I have had this hernia in the past. It was fixed with my initial surgery but the repair had come undone. The only problem now is that I don’t have enough stomach left to do a proper repair. He has put me on Dexilant, which basically is an antacid. He wants to see if the medication will help the relieve some of the symptoms that a hiatal hernia would cause. If we can at least manage the symptoms, we won’t have to surgically try and repair it. However, if the medication hasn’t helped within a month’s time frame, he wants to do a scope to make sure there is nothing worse or different going on.

The other issue I am having is this new sharp pain in my lower abdomen right around all my lower big incisions. I have thought for a while that it was related to all the new gym training I have been doing. I have tried to do a lot of stretching/strengthening of the area but it hasn’t relieved any of the pain. I mentioned the pain to Dr. Frech and he doesn’t think it is muscle related. It may be the start of another hernia forming where the feeding tube was placed last year. He wants to closely watch it. If the pain gets worse, I am supposed to see him right away.

So for right now the plan is to keep doing what I am doing. Maintain my weight and focus on my calorie consumption. I am to take the new medicine for a month and if it works, I will continue taking it. If it doesn’t work, I am supposed to go in for another scope. If I don’t have to have the scope, I don’t have to see Dr. Frech for 3 months. Hopefully this medication will work and the hernias wont cause any problems!! 

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