Thursday, April 23, 2015

One Year and an Update

Another year has come and gone since my April surgery. Last year at this time, I had my feeding jejunostomy tube placed. I also developed a small bowel obstruction and had emergency surgery 4 days later. I look back on this experience and can’t believe everything that happened. This was by far one of the most awful, painful, and scary things I have gone through. I always catch myself glancing at my Frankenstein looking belly and all of its scars and how each one tells a different story of the past two years. I really can't believe that it has been two years since we finally got aggressive and started down this surgery road!


So things are moving progressively backwards again. I thought I was doing really well and even at my follow up appointment last week, I said everything was OK. I am developing pain in my upper right and left quadrants again. The thing that makes me nervous is the pain is definitely different this time. It is more intense, comes and goes, and takes my breath away. I am still exhausted if I have to do anything and feel like I have to hold my sides while doing it. My stomach has a constant burning sensation and pain radiates into my shoulder blades. I am still slowly losing weight and each day, I eat less and less. I am back to taking narcotics at night and I feel like I eat Tylenol like candy during the day. I worry if this is a new problem or the same problem from scar tissue. I worry if there will be anything that can be done to fix it or I will have to live like this for an extended period of time. I wouldn’t say that things are worse than they were a year ago, but they are rapidly moving in that direction. I may have jinxed all my healing progression.

(Here is me trying to stay positive this week!)

I have an appointment with Dr. Frech in 2 weeks. We will see what these next 2 weeks have in store and then what the game plan will be from here on. 

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