Wednesday, January 28, 2015

We Have A Date...

We have a date.

I met with Dr. Rasmussen for my pre-op appointment this week and we have surgery scheduled for February 2nd. I was actually looking forward to having this surgery for the simple reason that I would be able to have my feeding tube taken out. Little did I know that this is not going to be the case.

We went over all the usual pre-op stuff. Height, weight, blood pressure, temperature, medication list, allergies, and previous surgeries were reviewed. The scheduled plan is to do a laparoscopic lysis of adhesions and to take down the small bowel that remained attached to the abdominal wall from the previous surgery. There is a possibility that the surgery will have to be an open procedure instead of a laparoscopic procedure. There is also the possibility that the intestine will still have a hole in it from where the feeding tube was inserted in from last year. Hopefully neither one of these scenarios will take place, but knowing my luck lately it’s a possibility. There is also all the other standard surgery risk involved and the possibility that this surgery won’t relieve any of my symptoms. However, I am hoping for even a little relief. I am staying in the hospital at least one night and that may change depending on how things go.

The other super sucky piece of information is that Dr. Rasmussen will NOT remove the nasal feeding tube! When I asked him about it and he said no, I really thought he was joking. Not funny! He says that he wants to keep the feeding tube in place and use it after surgery. There will be so much trauma from the surgery and I already don’t have a good track record with eating post operatively that he thinks it will be wise to keep it in and use it. We will continue using it to stabilize my weight and then slowly decrease the feeds until I am no longer in need of it. I totally get why he wants to keep it in and he is the Dr. but I really really really REALLY wanted it taken out. I am so bummed!! I am trying to remain positive but each day that goes by, I freak out a little more and now since the tube is not being removed I am not looking forward to any of this at all!! Holy crap, here we go!

This perfectly sums me up right now, in this very moment!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2015...A better year, right??

January 8th. I see Dr. Rasmussen for my follow up since my office visit with Dr. Smith. We are going to make a decision on what will need to be done. I am so not happy about how things have progressed and that it seems like 2015 will be another year filled with medical bills and no sign of a vacation. I would love to just sit on a beach and not in the ER or the surgery waiting area or on the 6th floor of the hospital!!

Dr. Rasmussen catches up to speed with everything that has happened in the last 3 weeks. He goes over what was done in the ER as well as the Ultrasound results to follow up with the liver pain. He says that all the ducts look normal and there are no obstructions or blood clots. He thinks it could have just been a fluke thing that happened. All the lab results are normal too. One good piece of news!

We decide to proceed with the plan that we have put off for so long. Surgery. Blah. Whether that will be open or laparoscopic will be decided on the day of surgery. He really doesn't want to do an open surgery because that will only cause more scar tissue to form. He will attempt to do it laparoscopically and if he finds a reason to do it open, then he will switch to this. The plan for now is basically to do an exploratory surgery to clean up scar tissue/adhesions and to release the small intestine that is attached to the abdominal wall. There is a high probability that this piece of intestine will still have a hole in it from the feeding tube so he may have to patch that to prevent any leakage. He also agrees that he won't do any form of surgery until I gain at least 15 pounds. I try to keep a sense of humor about this part. I tell everyone that asks why I have a feeding tube in that I am just being fattened up to prepare for slaughter day. Basically how I feel. Can you tell I am not very happy about being forced to gain weight?

Dr. Rasmussen says to call him as soon as I gain the 15 pounds and we will schedule the surgery. I am hoping for February sometime. The weight is climbing but not as fast as I would like. I make a valiant effort everyday to eat something every single hour. I have avoided water the last 2 weeks because I feel like I cant tolerate liquid and food together. And food at this point will give me the calories needed for weight gain so water goes out the window. I just add extra water to my nightly tube feeds so I am still getting it, just in different form.

So now the plan is waiting. Again. I am just focusing on putting on the weight and then we will schedule surgery. I pray with every fiber of my being that this will be the end!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ultrasound, Labs, and Feeding Tube

I finally hear from Dr. Frech's office. An ultrasound was ordered as well as a repeat hepatic function panel. I had these done on December 31. I thought I would end the year right. Ha.

I also had the feeding tube placed the same morning. I had a very hard time with the placement of this nasal feeding tube. It felt like my sinus was punctured. Then every time he moved the tube in and out I could feel it in my stomach/intestines. Not a pleasant feeling. So for 4 days straight my nose has been a faucet. To top it off, I now have nasty looking sores at the end of my nose. A tube and sores! Man, I am a sight for sore eyes!

Check out the sores!

Feedings are going well. I have gained some weight. Still have my goal to gain 15 pounds in 2 weeks. Not realistic, I know. But wishful thinking that I can gain the weight, get the tube out, and have the surgery and be done for 2015!!

Just waiting to hear from Dr. Frech's office for results. I have an appointment to see Dr. Rasmussen this week!