Thursday, October 17, 2013

Scope #3

Once again, I go to IMC and get checked in for my procedure. I am becoming a true pro at having this done (which is never a good sign). Once again, I am taken back to the procedure room and Dr. Frech comes into to talk to me. He explains everything and then I am given propofol. I last about 25 seconds this time and the world goes black.

I wake up in the recovery room and Dr. Frech is already there. He explains that this time, the connection only shrunk to 17mm and he was able to stretch it to 20mm. This is as big as they go and is very hopeful that he won’t need to dilate again. He has me continue the Carafate and informs me to contact his office if I need anything before I see him 2 months. I am sent on my way.

I spend the next several days being miserable. I overall don’t feel good. I am exhausted, have no energy, and have excruciating pain every time I try to eat or drink. I spend the next couple of days in bed and one night I pass out. I am a little alarmed but try not to worry. I just get back into bed and fall asleep. The next morning, I am so dizzy and lightheaded and feel so weak, I have to sit on the floor to get ready for work. By now, I am a little concerned so I email Dr. Frech to see what I should do. His assistant calls me later that day to inform me that I need to go the ER because my symptoms are not typical with the procedure I had done. I decide not to go because I am tired of the ER and the hospital and being poked and I don’t feel like I am near deaths door step yet.

That afternoon, I have a follow up appointment with the urologist to check on the status of my kidney stones. I go and see him and he wants an x-ray with contrast done the next morning to see if there is anything left in the ureter. I go on the rest of the day feeling weak and crummy. I decide that maybe I should eat something that night and hopefully I will feel a bit better. This turns out to be a very bad idea. 

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