Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Dr. Frech 6 Week Erythromycin Check

I have my 6-week follow up appointment with Dr. Frech. Things seem to be going OK. I have gained a pound according to his scale so he is very happy about this. We decide to go off the erythromycin for the gastric stimulation. It is not helping as much as it should be so he says it’s not worth staying on it for a long period of time unless it was without a doubt working. The promethazine is helping with the morning nausea. I will continue to take that at bedtime. I also have started waking up with a taste of blood/metal in my mouth. He is hoping that this is related to taking the erythromycin and not some sort of bleed somewhere. I am supposed to watch this and see if it goes away after being off the meds. We do some adjustments to pain meds and hopefully I won’t become so dependent/tolerant of everything I am taking. He thinks my biggest problem in relation to pain is that I don’t have regular or frequent enough bowel movements (sorry if that’s too much information for you). He is hoping that if we can make these more regular that it will help alleviate some of the colon pain and nausea. He adds medications to help do this as well.  He also thinks that some of my pain is related to surgical adhesions/scar tissue. A good majority of pain is centered over where the J-tube was surgically inserted on my left side. The only way to alleviate that pain is surgery which in turn also creates more scar tissue.

Right now the plan is to make the medication changes and see if that helps anything. I am to continue the vitamin B-12 injections for increased energy. I will see him again in 2 months. If nothing has changed we will consider doing something more than making medication changes. I will see Dr. Rasmussen again in 2 weeks and hopefully he will have some more ideas to throw into the pot.

I also attended a meeting last night on medical cannabis. It may be something that I will have to do further down the road. But for right now, I still have options and I don’t think things are spinning out of control. I live in pain every day but I can still function with that pain. I am able to eat/drink the needed calories. So hopefully the new medication changes will help something. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Erythromycin Treatment

So it’s been a while since I have done a blog update. I finally got the approval to go ahead and start the new treatment.

I have been on it for about 3 ½ weeks now. I go to the hospital once a week to have my potassium and magnesium levels checked. I did my EKG 3 days after starting treatment; my QT interval is still prolonged but not any higher than it normally runs. My potassium and magnesium levels are continuing to rise. I am at least grateful for this, doing an IV potassium infusion is the worst! It feels like your veins are being burned out of your body!  (I have had 4 potassium infusions)

I wouldn’t say that I have noticed a tremendous difference of being on the medication. But I do struggle to eat way more if I forgot to take the medicine, if that makes any sense! It still is very painful to eat and my weight continues to drop. I try to drink more protein drinks and eat protein bars. My pouch seems to tolerate these. The pain in my left side is quite significant. There are some days where I can’t even take a deep breath for fear of shooting pain.  I have to take narcotics at night in order to function the following day. I take the newly prescribed promethazine at night and that has significantly helped reduce the waking up nauseous feeling. I haven’t dry heaved in the mornings for a couple weeks now!

I have also done 2 monthly injections of the vitamin B-12. I am still exhausted and fall asleep all over the place. I feel like I could sleep 18 hours a day and that still wouldn’t be enough. I am so exhausted by the end of the day it is kind of pathetic.

I have a follow up with Dr. Frech in a week and Dr. Rasmussen in July.