Monday, May 11, 2015

Cardiologist Approval for Treatment

I went to see my Cardiologist last week to get an EKG done and the approval to start new treatment for my gastroparesis.  They did the EKG and he said the QT interval is a little more prolonged than he would like to see it. He wants Dr. Frech to go ahead and start the treatment but put some strict guidelines in place. He wants a repeat EKG done 3 days after I start taking the medicine. If the QT interval is more prolonged he wants the treatment stopped. The other thing he wants monitored is my potassium and magnesium levels. He wants weekly lab work done to check these levels for the entire duration of treatment. He also said if I feel any worse or notice my heart acting irregular, than I will need to stop treatment.

I also started my B-12 injections last week. Haven’t noticed a difference yet but I am sure that it will take a while to build up in my system.

Just waiting to hear from Dr. Frech’s office to get everything ordered so I can start this new treatment.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Dr. Frech Visit and New Plan

I had my follow up with Dr. Frech. Oh boy. It was a bit overwhelming and I still feel like I am in the same boat.

I am just going to copy the office note from Dr. Frech so I don’t have to re-write the information from an hour long visit!

(I took out most personal information)

Noel understandably is frustrated about her up/down course as we previously shared optimism at her last clinic visit that her condition was seemingly improving following her most recent exploratory laparoscopy with adhesionlysis. Unfortunately, her symptoms have slowly worsened since her feeding tube was removed following her last clinic visit and she had become more reliant on oral nutrition. She has, in fact, lost 7 pounds since I last saw her and only consuming 900-1000kcal daily as she has pain with eating.

 I am perplexed by Noel's persistent symptoms and share in her frustration with seemingly worsening symptoms since last seen. Her symptoms seemed to improve significantly with her most recent adhesionolysis surgery suggesting at least component of adhesions contributing to her symptoms. She really hasn't ever become accustomed to reduced size of gastric remnant following initial surgery and hasn't been able to eat normally for over a year now. I think a component of her poor tolerance to eating is due to reduced gastric compliance from not eating normally for so long…

I have recommended the following:

1. Continue linaclotide 290mcg daily. Consider adding Miralax 1-4 capfuls daily if persistent constipation.

2. Noel previously did not tolerate metoclopramide and unable to obtain domperidone. I am concerned about starting erythromycin as prokinetic, which may be a potential therapeutic option for her though already on multiple other drugs that prolong QT. She is going to see her cardiologist within next week. She has underlying Wolf Parkinson White and I'm really not sure about adding erythromycin as another potential QT prolonging agent. Will hold on doing this for now given already taking Zofran… and tramadol. My hope would be that by slowly increasing her diet and thereby increasing her gastric compliance, she will then be able to tolerate higher volumes of food though she hasn't not been able to push herself to do thus far due to postprandial pain and nausea…

3. Begin bedtime promethazine to help control nocturnal nausea. Continue…zofran during daytime with hopes this allow her to better tolerate increased PO and improve gastric remnant compliance.

4. Begin monthly B12 injections given fatigue and "low normal" B12 levels. Hold on adding iron though iron slowly dropping likely related to bypass anatomy and poor diet.

5. Continue Ensure or Boost at least 3 times daily. She is adamant about not having nasoenteric feeding tube replaced thus will have to try best to optimize oral nutrition.

I asked her to contact my office in the interim if she continues to lose weight and I asked her to have her cardiologist send repeat ECG results (prior QTc 12/2014 ECG 432ms).

It was a long visit and a lot of information. But I am so grateful that Dr. Frech always takes his time to go over everything with me and works so hard to figure out some solution. I think at this point, things are going to just be trial and error until we can resolve some symptoms. I really am not super concerned about my weight anymore. I just need to still step up my eating and push myself and hopefully if I can eat semi-normal meals than the other symptoms will resolve themselves. The pain issue is a whole other issue and I guess we will cross that bridge when it becomes unbearable again.

These gave me a good laugh!